
Area Congregations in Ministry (ACIM)
  • ACIM is a Granville County organization whose purpose is to assist persons in need. Oxford-area churches, including Oxford Baptist, support this ministry by making food and monetary contributions.
  • There is a basket located in the lobby of the OBC Family Life Center for members to drop off their food donations. Any non-perishables are welcome. Don’t forget ACIM when you do your grocery shopping. During the week, you may drive by and drop off food donations from 9:00-5:00 in bins at the Littlejohn Street entrance.
Contact Sue Hinman, Director (919-690-0961) for more information.
Church and Community Ministries (CCM)
  • CCM is a Flat River Baptist Association Ministry.
  • Mission: To advance the gospel of Jesus Christ through the meeting of spiritual and physical needs
  • Hours: Tuesday and Thursdays 9:00 am-12:00 noon, and Wednesday 9:00 am-3:00 pm., and Saturday 9:00 – 12:00.
  • Address: 1200 S.E. Industry Drive, Oxford.
  • Clothing, household, and furniture donations are accepted. These can be dropped off at any time we’re open. . First, and foremost, these items are given away to those who lose their home to fire, domestic abuse, or simply a lack of financial abilities. CCM is open to the public as a thrift shop on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Volunteers are also needed on a regular basis on those days.
  • The Christmas Toy Ministry serves children and families during the Christmas season.  Recipients of the toy ministry must complete an application to be considered eligible to receive donations. Sign-up is the first Saturday of December each year at the CCM Building.
  • Our annual coat give-away is the third Saturday of October, 9:00-12:00.
  • CCM is currently hosting a weekly auction on the Facebook page to raise funds for a building. To bid on items in the auction go to Church & Community Ministries Auction Building Fundraiser. Bidding begins each week on Sunday and ends on Wednesday night.
Contact Becky Currin, Director (919-690-5120) for more information.
Operation Inasmuch
  • Operation Inasmuch is a one-day mission blitz for North Carolina Baptists.
  • The Oxford Baptist major project for Operation Inasmuch is meal served to elderly community members. In recent years 300-400 people have been served for each meal.

Contact the church office (919-693-5181) for more information.

The Nellie Grey McFarland Endowment

In September of 2014, Nellie Grey McFarland, the oldest living member of Oxford Baptist Church, died at 105 years of age. Nellie Grey was raised on a Granville County tobacco farm by her grandfather and her mother after her father died when she was eight days old. During her early years, her family had no electricity, no running water, and no car. She was, however, raised by dedicated, loving Christians.

Nellie Grey graduated from high school and was a graduate of Duke University. She also earned a master’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She was a teacher, coach, school administrator and wife of O. D. McFarland who passed away in 1981.

Nellie Grey was a kind, generous, thoughtful Christian and a beloved friend of all who knew her. At her death, she left her entire estate to Oxford Baptist Church to be used to create and support “mission programs benefiting world hunger and the poor only.”

The McFarland Endowment is restricted for “mission programs to benefit world hunger and the poor only” and will be used for causes that qualify and are aligned to the McFarland Endowment Procedures and Practices. Allocations are made in accordance with the wishes of Mrs. McFarland and that are aligned to the Mission and Vision Statements of Oxford Baptist Church.

Mission Programs

Oxford Baptist Men

  • This group is involved in various projects to help the community. Contact Steve Timberlake (919-693-9946) for more information.

Women on Mission

  • Women on Mission group meetings are to be determined. 
  • Sisters Group-Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 at church.

Youth on Mission

  • Church and community service projects, Summer Mission Trips

Kids On Mission (4yr – 6th grade)

  • Meets once a month
  • Engage children in giving back to those in need and others in our local community.