The Heart of Oxford
Oxford Baptist Church in Oxford, NC

Located at the corner of Main and Spring Streets, Oxford Baptist Church is geographically in the heart of Oxford.
More importantly, Oxford Baptist Church has a heart for mission to its community and world. If you seek a Church home that is pulsating and alive in its ministry within and outside its walls, Oxford Baptist Church has much to share. Most of all, it invites YOU to serve, fellowship, worship, learn, grow, and be on mission. There are ministries as varied as feeding the hungry in our own city, to sending teams over the world to offer an encouraging message of Christian hope.
Oxford Baptist Church is a Church that has a heart for all ages.
Families abound, and children and youth have an important role in Church life through vibrant learning opportunities, choirs, and mission endeavors. You are invited to visit the pages of this website to know more about Oxford Baptist Church. Better yet, come in person for Sunday School and worship each Sunday morning where we draw nearer to each other and nearer to the heart of God.

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Worship with Us
Worship is at the heart of all we do at Oxford Baptist.
Choral and instrumental music, corporate and private prayer, reading of the scriptures, and the proclaimed message make up our worship experience.
In-Person Worship
Join us each Sunday at 11:00 in our Sanctuary for Worship.
Worship Live
Join us for worship via livestream at 11 am on Sunday Mornings.

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Latest News
McFarland Endowment Committee
McFarland Endowment Committee Each year, according to the procedures and practices of the McFarland Endowment Committee, the Committee accepts input from the congregation regarding mission programs to benefit "world hunger and the world's poor" that the Church...
Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Sunday school is starting back in session on Sunday September 12th.
Join Our Sanctuary Choir
Sanctuary Choir is looking for new members. If you are interested please speak with our Minister of Music, Mark Hopper.
Youth Ministry Update
We have exciting new youth ministry coming soon!
ACIM Food Collections
ACIM food collection can be dropped off by the Little John Entrance on Monday through Fridays from 9am to 5 pm.